there is no way of telling who set that gas off or who is lying....Gas that smells like cia black opps to me... they are trying to start a war.... its iraqs "supposed weapons of mass destruction" that was a lie from the beginning, all over again.... and nothing gives the green light better than dead children gassed to death by a "tyrant". they lied then.. like they are lying now...they have had war with syria planned for ten years .... they just need an excuse.... a la gas attack....
they killed 3000 of there own people in world trade incident to start the war on terror..... open ended green light to do as they please.... whats a few syrians....????
if you ask me.. secret service black opps....
the CIA has gone into 50 countries in the last century.. covertly... to start bloody civil wars or military coups to dissolve anti american regimes and put pro USA bought n paid for puppets in charge... what iis different this time... ????