Saturday, June 28, 2014

I chop down cyphers... Dig it

I chop down cyphers dig it

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jay z changing tact from lucifer to Jesus ?

Anyone else notice how jay z has gone from singing "go easy on him lord lucifer" ten years ago.... To rapping about praying to Jesus in rio in his new World Cup song ???? 

#livingforlove #rebelhearts #spiritoftruth

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unity the only way as they divide N concor

When will you people realise they are playing you off against each other.. And making you fight over the same god... Who you are hating for... When he asked you to love each other.... Big test now... Deep breath.., be strong ;) xx

#bodyofchrist #soulpower #thuglife
#Spiritoftruth #soul #music #spirituality #livingforlove #rebelhearts #heartmap2music
#spirit #soul #soulpower #thuglife
#livingforlove #rebelhearts #greed
#BecauseWeCan #unityistheway

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Heartbleed steals data and mum's email address !!!

Heartbleed steals data 

and mum's email address.... Bums !!!!!

If the shoe fits <3

If I looked up and realized god was real.... 
Don't you realize the blind lead the blind.. 
And when eyes are blind 
don't you know it's hearts 
that start arcs to sparking
Light up the park.. To set fire depart
heart beats thump..
light Shunt for the fight...
Entwine Pump pump...we ride... collide 
Realign the shining To find deep minds
with a linking light re-sync the brightness 
Open hearts can find open minds 
blinking tired eyes in dark times 
arrest a blessed mind to find
time and the pease 
to release The darkness 
Then see a light shine  .. 
DNA gush love To A Royalty flush
Lord knows Snake eyes tries 
all he's got is the time 
but look... hearts beat to life 
not a game of dice. 
Cards on the table... LIGHT IGNITES
we fly to a root Devine.. 
Spirit to the limit... 
Your gimmick.. Is ten pence.. ten cents.. 
gimme more..
Tours all Score fifty dimes ;) <3 xx

#bodyofchrist #soulpower #thuglife
#Spiritoftruth #soul #music #spirituality #livingforlove #rebelhearts #heartmap2music
#spirit #soul #soulpower #thuglife
#livingforlove #rebelhearts #greed

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Lana Del Ray - West Coast - Lyrics

West CoastLYRICS

Down on the West Coast they got a sayin'
"If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'."
But you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?

Down on the West Coast I get this feeling like
It all could happen that's why I'm leaving
You for the moment, you for the moment
Boy Blue, yeah you

You're flyin' high at push on, I'm feelin' hot to the touch
You say you miss me, and I say I miss you so much
But something keeps me really quiet, I'm alive I'm a lush
Your love, your love, our love

I can see my baby swingin'
His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
On the balcony and I'm singing
Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love
I can see my sweet boy swayin'
He's crazy y Cubano como yo lala
On the balcony and I'm saying
Move baby, move baby, I'm in love
I'm in love (I'm in love)
I'm in love (I'm in love)

Down on the West Coast, they got their icons
Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigon
And you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?

Down on the West Coast, they love their movies
Their golden gods and rock and roll groupies
And you've got the music, you've got the music
In you, don't you?

You push it hard, I pull away, I'm feeling hotter than fire
I guess that no one ever really made me feel that much higher
Te deseo, cariño, boy, it's you I desire
Your love, your love, our love

I can see my baby swingin'
His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
On the balcony and I'm singing
Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love
I can see my sweet boy swayin'
He's crazy y Cubano como yo lala
On the balcony and I'm saying
Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I can see my baby swingin'
His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
On the balcony and I'm singing
Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love
I can see my sweet boy swayin'
He's crazy y Cubano como yo lala
On the balcony and I'm saying
Move baby, move baby, I'm in love
I'm in love
I'm in love


This Blog does not claim any ownership of any of the media displayed on this site. The media displayed is for promotional use only and should be deleted within 24 hours. It would be much appreciated if you support the artists and buy their media

not that any artist posted on here would mind I'm Sure
Cos I'm Sure They ALL Know The Score by Now :)

Unless its one of my tracks or lyrical rambles.... ;)

In which case DonTheorist
Gonna try N make a mind have a Real Good Think


In literature, a conceit is an extended metaphor with a complex logic that governs a poetic passage or entire poem. By juxtaposing, usurping and manipulatingimages and ideas in surprising ways, a conceit invites the reader into a more sophisticated understanding of an object of comparison. Extended conceits in English are part of the poetic idiom of Mannerism, during the later sixteenth and early seventeenth century.

About Me #dontheorist #spiritoftruth

The Soul Rebel Music Daily